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这部分的主题介绍了如何在 Windows 和 macOS 上安装和配置 Xamarin.Android 以用于 Visual Studio,如何使用 Android SDK 管理器下载和安装生成和测试应用所需的 Android SDK 工具和组件,如何配置 Android 仿真器以进行调试,以及如何将物理 Android 设备连接到开发计算机以调试和最终对应用进行测试。The topics in this section explain how to install and configure Xamarin.Android to work with Visual Studio on Windows and macOS, how to use the Android SDK Manager to download and install Android SDK tools and components that are required for building and testing your app, how to configure the Android emulator for debugging, and how to connect a physical Android device to your development computer for debugging and final testing your app.
Windows 安装Windows Installation
本指南提供在 Windows 上安装 Xamarin.Android 所需的安装步骤和配置详细信息。This guide walks you through the installation steps and configuration details required to install Xamarin.Android on Windows.本文结束时,你需要将一个有效的 Xamarin.Android 安装集成到 Visual Studio 中,并且准备好开始生成你们的第一个 Xamarin.Android 应用程序。By the end of this article, you will have a working Xamarin.Android installation integrated into Visual Studio, and you'll be ready to start building your first Xamarin.Android application.
Mac 安装Mac Installation
2020-2-25 教程:使用 ASP.NET Core 创建 Web API Tutorial: Create a web API with ASP.NET Core 2/25/2020 本文内容 作者:Rick Anderson、Kirk Larkin 和 Mike Wasson By Rick Anderson, Kirk Larkin, and Mike Wasson 本教程介绍使用 ASP.NET Core 构建.
Template / stationary in Office for Mac I have Outlook via Office 365 for Mac and I am trying to set up a simple email stationary template that will apply to all outgoing messages. This involves a picture and a email signature. You can print envelopes from within Pages, as described below, or from the Contacts app on your Mac (see Contacts Help to learn how). With Pages open, choose File New (from the File menu at the top of your screen). Click Stationery on the left side of the template chooser. Create great-looking business stationery in minutes with premium stationery templates for Microsoft Word & Publisher. Get professionally-designed layouts that include pictures, graphics & logos. Simply download, edit & print! The website offers Microsoft Word editable letterhead templates for various professions including business, education, corporate, industrial, medical & many more. Stationery and themes are a set of unified design elements and color schemes. They specify fonts, bullets, background color, horizontal lines, images, and other design elements that you want to include in outgoing email messages.
本文提供在 Mac 上安装 Xamarin.Android 所需的安装步骤和配置详细信息。This article walks you through the installation steps and configuration details required to install Xamarin.Android on a Mac.本文结束时,你需要将一个有效的 Xamarin.Android 安装集成到 Visual Studio for Mac 中,并且准备好开始生成你们的第一个 Xamarin.Android 应用程序。By the end of this article, you will have a working Xamarin.Android installation integrated into Visual Studio for Mac, and you'll be ready to start building your first Xamarin.Android application.
Android SDK 安装Android SDK Setup
Visual Studio 包含一个取代 Google 的独立 Android SDK 管理器的 Android SDK 管理器。Visual Studio includes an Android SDK Manager that replaces Google's standalone Android SDK Manager.本文说明如何使用 SDK 管理器下载 Android SDK 工具、平台以及开发 Xamarin.Android 应用所需的其他组件。This article explains how to use the SDK Manager to download Android SDK tools, platforms, and other components that you need for developing Xamarin.Android apps.
Android 仿真器设置Android Emulator Setup
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这些文章介绍如何设置 Android Emulator 以测试和调试 Xamarin.Android 应用程序。These articles explain how to setup the Android Emulator for testing and debugging Xamarin.Android applications.
Android 设备设置Android Device Setup
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本文介绍了如何设置物理 Android 设备并将其连接到开发计算机,这样可以将该设备用于运行和调试 Xamarin.Android 应用程序。This article explains how to setup a physical Android device and connect it to a development computer so that the device may be used to run and debug Xamarin.Android applications.
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Microsoft Mobile OpenJDK 预览版Microsoft Mobile OpenJDK Preview
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本指南介绍了如何切换到 Microsoft 分发的 OpenJDK 预览版。This guide describes the steps for switching to the preview release of Microsoft's distribution of the OpenJDK.此 OpenJDK 分发适用于移动开发。This distribution of the OpenJDK is intended for mobile development.